About Us


Under the guidance of Art Master Liu Keming, our mission is to empower young artists by nurturing their creativity and providing a rich platform for artistic growth. We aim to blend the rich traditions of Eastern art with the dynamic forms of Western abstract and contemporary art, providing a unique, culturally rich educational experience.


Our vision is to revolutionize how art is taught and perceived, fostering a generation of artists who embody the free-spirited, innovative essence championed by the likes of Picasso. We aspire to nurture not just skilled artists, but empathetic, open-minded individuals who value creative freedom and cultural diversity.

Meet Art Master

Lu Keming is a contemporary Chinese artist and painter, known for pioneering the "heavy-color ink impression" painting style.

Liu is an influential figure in the contemporary art world, and his contributions to the field have helped to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western art traditions.

Liu Keming blends elements of traditional Chinese painting with contemporary Western art, resulting in vibrant and colorful pieces. The roots of his distinctive style can be found in the Tang Dynasty paintings.

Liu Keming held many positions in China such as Art Director of the Kaifeng Museum, Advisor to the Li Keran Art Institute and Former Chairman of the Art Committee of the China Public Relations Association.

Liu Keming &
Media Hightlights

For Art Trial Class

Discover the world of art with our trial class designed for young artists! If you're seeking a regular and long-term children's art course, you're in the right place.

- A 15-minute personal meeting with Master Artist Liu Keming

- A 60-minute trial session guided by our skilled teachers